Quality policy
Aiditec Systems, S.L.
AIDITEC SYSTEM S.L is an innovative technology-based company expert in lightning protection, dedicated to the commercialization of lightning rods, grounding and accessories. At AIDITEC SYSTEM S.L we are leading the innovation in each project to offer an adequate solution, always taking into account the needs and possibilities of each client.
The Management has acquired the commitment to:
Offer unique and innovative solutions and products to its customers in order to achieve their maximumvsatisfaction
Enforce the applicable legislation and regulations by applying legal compliance to the activities that thevcompany develops
Establish the necessary means to publicize and explain to its employees the content of the Policy,vcompany programs and objectives and ensure involvement in meeting the objectives and goalsvmarked.
Consider management aspects as an integral part of the planning processes, propose periodically programs, objectives, and goals that guarantee compliance with the requirements of the policy and continuously improve the effectiveness of the management system.
Compliance with the requirements will be verified periodically, required in clear indicators, which will be known by the employees of the organization, you will need the frame of reference for establish and annually review the management objectives.
Continuous improvement must be present in all processes, developing corrective actions and necessary improvement to avoid the recurrence of internal and external problems.
The Management extends this commitment to all employees, as well as to those who act on behalf of AIDITEC SYSTEMS S.L, so that they comply with the guidelines of this policy, which will be reviewed periodically in order to ensure that they are always appropriate to the activities of the organization.