Our executive Ángel Blanco is visiting Mexico to meet with the main clients in the sector.
During his stay, he will visit customers such as PEMEX, Iberdrola, American Tower, CFE and many others. In addition, he will also give lectures and training courses and will present our new product, the Electron 15 lightning rod.
The training courses focus especially on transient, permanent and harmonic surge arresters. This is perhaps the least known but indispensable area of lightning protection.
These devices protect people and equipment from surges caused by atmospheric discharges or the power grid itself. The elimination of these dangers does not imply a pause in the operation of machinery, thus avoiding losses due to production outages.
In addition, it also offers specific courses for the railway sector. This is due to the fact that there is a line of products from our partners MD technological equipment specifically for this sector.
It should be noted that Mexico is one of the Spanish-speaking countries with the largest number of lightning protection systems. This makes it a strategic country for our sector.