Lightning and electrical storms have fascinated humanity for centuries and, naturally, many mythological stories and mysterious explanations have emerged to make sense of these natural phenomena.

These are just some of the most deeply rooted myths in society about lightning:

Myth 1: Lightning never strikes the same place twice

This is one of the most widespread myths, but it is completely false. Lightning can, in fact, strike the same place multiple times. Tall objects, such as buildings and trees, are more likely to be hit repeatedly due to their height and conductive appeal.

Myth 2: Being under a tree protects you from lightning

This myth is extremely dangerous and false. Trees offer no protection from lightning, and being under a tree during a thunderstorm significantly increases the risk of being struck by lightning. Lightning can strike tall, pointed objects, such as trees, and electricity can travel through the trunk and branches, endangering the lives of anyone below. It is always best to seek shelter in a building or vehicle during a thunderstorm to be safe from this threat.

Myth 3: Thunderstorms only happen in summer

Thunderstorms are more common in summer due to atmospheric conditions, but they can occur at any time of the year. Winter storms can also produce lightning and thunder.

Myth 4: Lightning only strikes during thunderstorms

This myth is incorrect, since lightning can strike even in the absence of a thunderstorm. Lightning can also occur in volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and, although less common, in dust storms and snow storms. These events, known as “dry lightning,” can surprise people and increase the risk of wildfires or other natural hazards. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the possibility of lightning in various weather and environmental situations to stay safe at all times.

Myth 5: Lightning rods attract lightning

Lightning rods do not attract lightning, but they help protect buildings and structures by providing a safe path for electricity to travel to the ground in the event of a lightning strike. Lightning tends to hit the tallest, most conductive objects in its path, so a well-designed lightning rod can reduce the risk of damage.

In short, myths about lightning and thunderstorms are often based on erroneous popular beliefs. It is important to be well informed about these natural phenomena to make safe decisions during a storm. Follow recommended safety guidelines and seek shelter in a safe place if you find yourself in a thunderstorm.

If you have any questions, contact us and one of our specialists will answer all your questions.