
Garantía / Warranty

Garantía limitada de por vida

Limited lifetime warranty

Todos los pararrayos ADVANCE+, SIGMA+ y ELECTRON E15 fabricados por AIDITEC SYSTEMS, S.L. desde el 1 de noviembre de 2018, disponen de una garantía limitada (internacional) de por vida contra todo defecto de fabricación.

Se entiende por defecto de fabricación cualquier daño que se produzca en el pararrayos durante la producción de este y no por un desgaste o un impacto de rayo con una energía superior a lo establecido en la norma UNE 21186:2011. Esta garantía está limitada a la sustitución del cabezal captador, si procede, y no así del resto de componentes de instalación, pero es necesario, para un correcto funcionamiento del pararrayos, que el resto del sistema de protección esté en perfecto estado de acuerdo con las normativas vigentes.


  1. Cuando el uso, cuidado y operación del producto no haya sido de acuerdo con las normativas vigentes.
  2. Cuando el sistema de protección que acompaña al pararrayos no esté en perfecto estado de acuerdo con las normativas vigentes.
  3. Cuando se realice cualquier modificación no autorizada en el diseño de los dispositivos.
  4. Cuando el producto haya sido usado fuera de su capacidad, golpeado, expuesto a condiciones adversas, así como cualquier otra falla atribuible al consumidor.
  5. Cuando el producto haya sido desarmado o modificado por personas no autorizadas por AIDITEC SYSTEMS, S.L.
  6. Cuando la falla sea originada por el desgaste normal debido al buen funcionamiento del pararrayos.
  7. Cuando el sistema de protección contra el rayo no presente las revisiones preventivas o correctivas con la periodicidad indicada en las normativas vigentes y la documentación no se encuentre firmada y sellada en los informes de revisión.

Para la tramitación de la garantía deberán ponerse en contacto con AIDITEC SYSTEMS, S.L. a través del formulario creado específicamente en la parte inferior de esta página.

AIDITEC SYSTEMS, S.L. se compromete formalmente a comprobar gratuitamente el estado del cabezal captador dañado y a elaborar un análisis de la causa del problema, poniendo a disposición del representante de nuestra marca un equipo de sustitución, de manera temporal, hasta que se determine la causa del problema. En caso de detectarse un fallo de fabricación, se procederá a la sustitución inmediata del equipo.

Es responsabilidad del cliente o representante devolver el equipo dañado, protegiéndolo de la manera más adecuada para que no sufra ningún desperfecto durante el transporte que impida comprobar la raíz del problema, anulando así su garantía. Los costes de dicho embalaje y envío del equipo corren a cargo del cliente o representante de nuestra marca.

All ADVANCE+, SIGMA+ and ELECTRON E15 lightning rods manufactured by AIDITEC SYSTEMS, S.L. since November 1, 2018, have a limited (international) lifetime warranty against any manufacturing defect.

A manufacturing defect is understood to be any damage that occurs to the lightning rod during its production and not due to wear or a lightning strike with an energy greater than that established in the UNE 21186:2011 standard. This guarantee is limited to the replacement of the collector head, if applicable, and not the rest of the installation components, but it is necessary, for the lightning rod to function correctly, that the rest of the protection system is in perfect condition in accordance with the current regulations.


  1. When the use, care and operation of the product has not been in accordance with current regulations.
  2. When the protection system that accompanies the lightning rod is not in perfect condition in accordance with current regulations.
  3. When any unauthorized modification is made to the design of the devices.
  4. When the product has been used outside its capacity, hit, exposed to adverse conditions, as well as any other fault attributable to the consumer.
  5. When the product has been disassembled or modified by persons not authorized by AIDITEC SYSTEMS, SL
  6. When the failure is caused by normal wear and tear due to the proper functioning of the lightning rod.
  7. When the lightning protection system does not present the preventive or corrective revisions with the frequency indicated in the current regulations and the documentation is not signed and stamped in the revision reports.

To process the guarantee, you must contact AIDITEC SYSTEMS, SL through the form specifically created at the bottom of this page.

AIDITEC SYSTEMS, SL formally undertakes to check the status of the damaged collector head free of charge and to prepare an analysis of the cause of the problem, temporarily making a replacement unit available to our brand representative until the cause of the problem is determined. issue. If a manufacturing fault is detected, the equipment will be replaced immediately.

It is the responsibility of the customer or representative to return the damaged equipment, protecting it in the most appropriate way so that it does not suffer any damage during transport that prevents the root of the problem from being verified, thus voiding its guarantee. The costs of said packaging and shipment of the equipment are borne by the client or representative of our brand.

Formulario de validación de la garantíaWarranty validation form

Rellene todos los campos necesarios y, si es posible, adjunte una imagen del dispositivo en el campo correspondiente.

Fill in all the necessary fields and, if possible, attach an image of the device in the corresponding field.

    Adjuntar imagen / Attach image (.jpg o/or .png)

    Quality policy

    Quality policy

    Aiditec Systems, S.L.

    AIDITEC SYSTEM S.L is an innovative technology-based company expert in lightning protection, dedicated to the commercialization of lightning rods, grounding and accessories. At AIDITEC SYSTEM S.L we are leading the innovation in each project to offer an adequate solution, always taking into account the needs and possibilities of each client.

    The Management has acquired the commitment to:

    • Offer unique and innovative solutions and products to its customers in order to achieve their maximumvsatisfaction

    • Enforce the applicable legislation and regulations by applying legal compliance to the activities that thevcompany develops

    • Establish the necessary means to publicize and explain to its employees the content of the Policy,vcompany programs and objectives and ensure involvement in meeting the objectives and goalsvmarked.

    • Consider management aspects as an integral part of the planning processes, propose periodically programs, objectives, and goals that guarantee compliance with the requirements of the policy and continuously improve the effectiveness of the management system.

    • Compliance with the requirements will be verified periodically, required in clear indicators, which will be known by the employees of the organization, you will need the frame of reference for establish and annually review the management objectives.

    • Continuous improvement must be present in all processes, developing corrective actions and necessary improvement to avoid the recurrence of internal and external problems.

    The Management extends this commitment to all employees, as well as to those who act on behalf of AIDITEC SYSTEMS S.L, so that they comply with the guidelines of this policy, which will be reviewed periodically in order to ensure that they are always appropriate to the activities of the organization.

    How can we help you?



      Product verification

      To provide greater security and support but, above all, for the confidence of our customers, we have enabled the form that appears at the bottom of this page in which we will validate the guarantee of the equipment and verify its authenticity. To do this, they must tell us:

      • Lightning rod model
      • Serial number
      • Invoice and/or product certificate

      Any lightning rod that does not pass this verification process will not be covered by our limited lifetime warranty.

      Product authenticity verification form

        Attach invoice or certificate in PDF*

        Privacy policy

        Privacy policy

        Aiditec Systems, S.L.

        Communicates that in compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the protection of personal data, its regulations, developed by Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21 and Law 34/2002 of services of the information society and electronic commerce:

        1. In relation to the personal data that can be provided through the functionalities of the Website, we inform you that such data will be processed solely and exclusively for the correct management of the services provided through them, by AIDITEC SYSTEMS, S.L. Likewise, AIDITEC SYSTEMS, S.L. may process the data to send advertising and commercial information, by different means including electronic ones, about the company, its activities, products, and services, as well as documentation of diverse nature and by different means of the commercial information of the company.
        2. To send newsletters and similar communications, AIDITEC SYSTEMS, S.L. uses both the data obtained through the Website, as well as other databases that have among their purposes the realization of such shipments, always taking into account the requirements of the aforementioned Organic Law and the LSSI.
        3. When personal data is collected through the form, it will be necessary to provide, at least, those marked with an asterisk. In another case, AIDITEC SYSTEMS, S.L. You will not be able to accept and manage the fulfillment of the established relationship.
        4. If the user is a minor, it is required that they have the prior consent of their parents or guardians before proceeding with the inclusion of their personal data in the forms of the site. The owner of the page disclaims any liability for failure to comply with this requirement.
        5. To exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition to the data, you must send a letter identified with the reference “Data Protection” to AIDITEC SYSTEMS, S.L., C/ Torres, 7 Bajo Derecha 46018 Valencia SPAIN EUROPE, attaching a photocopy of your NIF.
        6. At the time data is provided, the desire may be expressed NOT to receive electronic commercial communications from AIDITEC SYSTEMS, S.L. If you do not wish to receive electronic commercial communications in the future from AIDITEC SYSTEMS, S.L., you may express such wish through the postal address already indicated or by email info@aiditecsystems.com.

        How can we help you?

          Legal warning

          Legal warning

          Aiditec Systems, S.L.

          spanish company with registered office located at:

          C/ Torres, 7 Bajo Derecha 46018 Valencia, ESPAÑA
          Tel: +34 963 842 957
          CIF: B-98315542

          is the owner of the database.

          All data provided through electronic forms and/or by email will be treated with strict confidentiality in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, its regulations, developed by the Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21 and Law 34/2002 on services of the information society and electronic commerce.

          We inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition by sending a written request, accompanied by a photocopy of your NIF to the address C/ Torres, 7 Bajo Derecha 46018 Valencia ESPAÑA EUROPA, or to the email info@ aiditecsystems.com.

          If the user is a minor, it is required that they have the prior consent of their parents or guardians before proceeding with the inclusion of their personal data in the forms of the site. The owner of the page disclaims any liability for failure to comply with this requirement.

          The requested data is strictly necessary for the correct identification of the sender and to carry out basic administrative, commercial, and contact tasks.

          AIDITEC SYSTEMS, S.L. insists on its commitment to the responsible and confidential use of data, guaranteeing that user data will be treated in accordance with legal requirements and that it will only be used by AIDITEC SYSTEMS, S.L. and the companies in its service environment for the indicated purpose.

          How can we help you?