What are dry lightning strikes?

It is believed that cloud-to-ground lightning is vertical, but, according to…

Aiditec Systems, an ISO 9001 certified company

ISO 9001 is based on the PDCA continuous improvement cycle: Plan, Do, Check,…

TRANSIENT: rays at 1000 frames per sec.

Dustin Farrell, a professional photographer and videographer, has created a…

What happens to your skin if you are struck by lightning?

People around the world are struck by lightning every year. Although most…

What happens when lightning strikes a skyscraper?

Skyscrapers are buildings that are at least 100 to 150 meters high. This…

How are lightning strikes formed?

On average, 16 to 17 million storms occur on Earth each year, 44,000 per day.…

Dennis Oswald, the storm chaser

Dennis Oswald is a German photographer specializing in nature, landscape and…

Supply of Sigma R Lightning Rods for PEMEX

PEMEX (Petróleos Mexicanos) is a state-owned oil and natural gas producer,…

What is the probability that lightning will strike a person?

It is unlikely that lightning will strike you, but this depends on many…