lightning energy

How much energy is released in a lightning strike?

How much energy does lightning discharge? Some of us may think that this question must already have a definitive answer, but the reality is that it…

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Vía de chispas en instalación

How does a spark gap works?

A spark gap is a critical component in a lightning protection system. Its function is crucial to safeguard buildings and electronic equipment from…

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Tormenta de nieve

Why doesn’t a snowstorm produce lightning?

Blizzards are impressive weather phenomena that can cover vast regions under a blanket of snow, but unlike typical thunderstorms, they rarely…

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Mitos sobre rayos

Myths about lightnings

Lightning and electrical storms have fascinated humanity for centuries and, naturally, many mythological stories and mysterious explanations have…

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Well conductor: Optimizing grounding

Lightning protection is essential for any structure, whether it’s a home, a business, or an industrial facility. In this regard, an effective…

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Protección placas solares

Protection of solar panels with ESE lightning rods: ensuring the safety of your solar energy investment

Solar energy has become an increasingly popular source of clean and sustainable energy worldwide. However, the investment in solar panels is…

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Two tourists lost their lives on a beach in Michoacán, Mexico, due to a lightning strike. This tragic incident underscores the importance of being…

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Visita a Dikom en Bulgaria

Visit Dikom, our distributor in Bulgaria

Our managers Rafael Martinez and Ángel Blanco have visited Bulgaria again, just a few months later, to continue strengthening ties with DIKOM,…

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sobretensiones transitorias

What are transient overvoltages?

What are transient overvoltages? Transient overvoltages are brief increases in voltage, measured between two conductors or between a conductor and…

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Truper Mexico to be protected by Aiditec Systems with 22igma lightning rods

During our visit to Mexico, our managers Ángel José Blanco Jiménez and Arturo Fernández not only gave training, seminars and technical commercial…

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Every day is more important the storage of information, but where do Google, Amazon or Apple among other companies store this information? They…

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Closing of Expo Eléctrica Solar y Norte 2022 – Aiditec Systems

Yesterday, October 27th, was the closing of the Expo Eléctrica Solar y Norte, the largest fair of materials, distributors and technology of the…

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2 Sigma 60 lightning arrester units installed at Indonesia

We continue to extend the Aiditec brand worldwide with our lightning protection systems. On this occasion, a few weeks ago, we closed a project in…

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Ángel Blanco tours Spain and Europe to promote the Aiditec Systems brand.

The Aiditec brand continues to grow. After the intense weeks that our managers Alejandro Cuenca, Ángel Blanco and Daniel Blanco spent in different…

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How can we protect ourselves from lightning?

Lately, nature has been surprising us more and more with events that escape from what we understand to be logical or normal. And one of these…

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External lightning protection systems and grounding keys

Installation performed by DIKOM, our distributor in Bulgaria.

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Clausura de Expo Eléctrica 2022


Yesterday, June 9, was the closing of Expo Eléctrica 2022, the largest fair of materials, distributors and technology of the electrical sector in…

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Alianza Aiditec x Amesa

Aiditec Systems strengthens its presence together with Amesa

Aiditec Systems strengthens its presence with Amesa in the American continent with a new alliance that will hopefully bear many fruits. Amesa, a…

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Alianza Aiditec x Amesa

New Aiditec Systems x Amesa alliance

Today is a very special day for us, as we can finally announce that Aiditec Systems is strengthening its presence in the Americas with a new…

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Fabricación española PDC

Lightning conductors manufactured 100% in Spain

In the video we share with you, we show you a few glimpses of the production of our products in our factory located in Spain, very close to our…

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New incorporation

From Aiditec Systems we present our new incorporation, Arturo Fernandez. He joins the team as Business Development Manager. This union is supported,…

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Tenth anniversary special event

Last Friday, November 5th, a special event took place for our tenth anniversary, the reopening of our headquarters in Valencia. We are very happy to…

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Tenth anniversary Aiditec Systems

Aiditec Systems is 10 years old! During these 10 years we have been adapting to new customer and market needs, always offering the highest quality,…

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Aiditec Systems: 10 global SMEs

Aiditec Systems stands out as one of the 10 global SMEs that have been able to adapt to the new normal. Something that has been reflected in our way…

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Fire in Benidorm due to lightning strike

Last Sunday night took place in Benidorm a spectacular event that left all the neighbors shocked. A lightning strike caused a fire on the roof of…

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Man injured in Madrid by lightning strike

A man was injured by lightning in Madrid. An event that, although unlikely, affects more than 20,000 people worldwide. A 40-year-old man was trying…

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New fleet of vehicles

Aiditec systems launches its new fleet of vehicles to provide coverage and technical support anywhere in Spain to our network of installers. The…

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The eternal lightning. New world record.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has certified a new world record for the longest duration of lightning and another for the longest…

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Aiditec Systems on Onda Cero

According to experts, the probability of being struck by lightning is negligible (1 in 3,000,000). However, there are really curious stories that…

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Roy Sullivan: the lightning rod man

Every day there are about 40,000 storms that discharge more than 17 million lightning strikes on Earth, that is, 200 lightning strikes per second.…

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TRANSIENT 2: 4K storms at 1000 fps

He’s done it again. Following the success of TRANSIENT, cinematographer and storm chaser Dustin Farrell is back to impress us with a new short…

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Lightning protection and home energy efficiency

Have you just bought or rented a house and want to prepare it quickly so that everything is ready? Indeed, there are many people who, when they…

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Unusual lightning strikes near the North Pole

For lightning to occur, atmospheric instability is necessary. That is, cold, dry air must be above warm, moist air. Normally, this warm and humid…

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Lightning strike kills more than 20 cows

A lightning strike during last week’s storms at the top of Mount Geras, in León, has left more than twenty cattle burned. When the storm…

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Dirty storm

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Environmentally Responsible

From Aiditec Systems we work every day to be responsible with the environment. For this reason, we use 100% biodegradable and recyclable cardboard…

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Lightning: myths and reality

Storms and lightning are exciting meteorological phenomena, but it is necessary to be forewarned, since they have a high mortality and accident…

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What would happen to your car if it was struck by lightning while driving?

There are stormy days when we have wondered what would happen to our car if lightning were to strike it. First of all, it should be noted that the…

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How far away is a storm? Rule 30/30

Calculating how far away a thunderstorm is is quite simple and very necessary, as it can help you seek shelter if, by surprise, the sky darkens and…

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Tribute to engineer Adrián Castellanos

Last night took place a dinner tribute to our engineer Adrian Castellanos, project manager at Aiditec Systems, where all the directors of Grupo…

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Blowback: A lethal shock

The recoil stroke is a type of discharge that can cause the death of a person or animal even though it is far away from the lightning strike zone.…

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Up to 8000 lightning strikes in one night

During the early hours of Tuesday morning in the Comunitat Valenciana, storms have discharged more than 8000 lightning strikes. About 1700 within…

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Two injured when struck by lightning in Valencia, Spain

The passage of DANA through the Mediterranean is leaving significant damage throughout the Comunitat. One of the most serious events occurred last…

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The August in Spain with the most lightning strikes of the century

A total of 776,126 lightning strikes hit the peninsula and the Balearic Islands this past August. This is the highest figure since 2000. It has been…

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More than 300 lightning strikes cause 4 fires in Galicia. The importance of prevention.

A total of 335 lightning strikes have hit, during the early hours of the morning, all over Galicia. As a result of this intense electrical activity,…

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A very special lightning rod

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Centella, or globular lightning bolt, and Duende

There are other types of natural phenomena related to thunderstorms. Two of the most curious are the scintillation, also known as globular…

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Types of lightning: classification

There are different types of lightning. These can be classified by the direction of their stroke and depending on whether the discharge occurs…

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The fulgurites

The term “fulgurites” comes from “fulgur”, which is equivalent to the Latin word for lightning. Fulgurites or…

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What are dry lightning strikes?

It is believed that cloud-to-ground lightning is vertical, but, according to worldwide research, this lightning can travel horizontally 10, 15, 20…

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Aiditec Systems, an ISO 9001 certified company

ISO 9001 is based on the PDCA continuous improvement cycle: Plan, Do, Check, Act. It is the perfect platform for other environmental, safety or…

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Merry Christmas and happy New Year

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TRANSIENT: rays at 1000 frames per sec.

Dustin Farrell, a professional photographer and videographer, has created a fascinating short film of thunderstorms as we have never seen them…

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What happens to your skin if you are struck by lightning?

People around the world are struck by lightning every year. Although most people survive the impact, they experience serious injuries to their body…

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What happens when lightning strikes a skyscraper?

Skyscrapers are buildings that are at least 100 to 150 meters high. This makes them more exposed to lightning strikes, since during a thunderstorm,…

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How are lightning strikes formed?

On average, 16 to 17 million storms occur on Earth each year, 44,000 per day. These are feared and desired in equal parts and bring with them rain,…

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Dennis Oswald, the storm chaser

Dennis Oswald is a German photographer specializing in nature, landscape and travel photography. However, what Dennis is really known for is chasing…

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Supply of Sigma R Lightning Rods for PEMEX

PEMEX (Petróleos Mexicanos) is a state-owned oil and natural gas producer, transporter, refiner and marketer in Mexico with a large production both…

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What is the probability that lightning will strike a person?

It is unlikely that lightning will strike you, but this depends on many factors. There is not the same probability if we take shelter when we hear…

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The most lethal meteorological phenomena

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) these are the most deadly meteorological phenomena since 1873. LIGHTNING (Direct)

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What not to do in case of thunderstorm

Every precaution is too little when it comes to thunderstorms. It is an exciting meteorological phenomenon, but it also has its dangers. Here are…

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How much energy does lightning discharge?

Some of us may think that this question should already have a definitive answer, but the reality is that it is very difficult to answer in…

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The lightning of Catatumbo, the eternal storm.

The Catatumbo lightning is perhaps the strangest and most spectacular of all meteorological phenomena. 0 Comments2 Minutes

What is latent lightning?

During a thunderstorm, when lightning strikes a tree, it does not always cause an immediate fire. There are times when the tree does not start to…

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Lightning strikes plane and burns airport worker in Florida, USA.

A lightning strike struck a worker at Southwest Florida International Airport in Fort Myers (USA) while he was working next to a plane on the…

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265 years since the invention of the Lightning Rod

June 15, 1752, Philadelphia. It was a stormy day and Benjamin Franklin decided to demonstrate the theory about lightning that he had been defending…

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Our technical department visits Peru

Our technical department managers, Marcos Montero González and Rafael Martínez Moreno, have traveled to Peru to visit our distributors. In…

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300 lightning strikes over Asturias

Yesterday evening almost 300 lightning strikes fell over Asturias. It was a storm that hardly left any rain but that surprised everyone after a…

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Looking for international distributor

Help us protect people.  Be our international distributor.   We are looking for an international distributor for our products. We currently…

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Always thinking about protection

When it comes to protection and security, we can’t say that we’re not up to date. Now it’s the turn of our website. We have…

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What happens if lightning strikes an aircraft?

When you travel by plane, it’s normal to worry a little. A metal structure bigger than a house, with no feathers or anything, is not exactly…

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How to protect your home?

Not everyone knows how to protect their home against thunderstorms. Therefore, in this small guide we are going to explain what elements are needed…

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The importance of revisions

The importance of lightning arrester inspections is a safety issue. A lightning protection system in poor condition poses a greater risk than no…

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Engineer Ángel Blanco visits Mexico

Our executive Ángel Blanco is visiting Mexico to meet with the main clients in the sector. During his stay, he will visit customers such as PEMEX,…

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Record! The longest lightning in the world

Two new historical records were recognized last week. The first, and most impressive, was that the longest known lightning strike to date has been…

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Lightning strikes Miami airport

A couple of days ago lightning struck the Miami airport control tower.  At 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, the lightning strike affected radio frequencies and…

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Matelec 2016, we will be there

Good news! In October we will be at Matelec, Madrid, the electrical equipment fair held at IFEMA from 25 to 28. This fair is one of the most…

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323 reindeer killed by lightning strike

Today a news has been known that has not taken long to go around the world. In Norway, 323 reindeer have been found dead due to a lightning strike.…

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Should I install a lightning rod?

Like any protection system, the cost of not having one can be tragic. How do I know if I should install a lightning arrester? This is a question we…

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How does a PDC lightning rod work?

We are going to explain, roughly, how a PDC lightning rod such as the Advance, Sigma and Electron models work. When a thunderstorm forms, there is…

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5 people killed by lightning in the U.S.

Last week there were 5 lightning deaths in the United States. The last of them, Scott Pasour, 54, was struck by lightning in North Carolina. The…

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